Helper Class Reference  1.1
HomeGenie - Automation Programs' Engine SDK
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CEventsHelperEvents Helper class.
Class instance accessor: When
 CKnxClientHelperKNX client helper. Class instance accessor: KnxClient
 CModuleModule instance.
 CModuleParameterModule parameter.
 CModulesManagerModules Manager Helper class.
Offers methods for filtering, selecting and operate on a group of modules.
Class instance accessor: Modules
 CModuleHelperModule Helper class.
This class is a module instance wrapper and it is used as return value of ModulesManager.Get() method.
 CMqttClientHelperMQTT client helper. Class instance accessor: MqttClient
 CNetHelperNet Helper class.
Class instance accessor: Net
 CProgramHelperProgram Helper class.
Class instance accessor: Program
 CSchedulerHelperScheduler helper.
Class instance accessor: Scheduler
 CSerialPortHelperSerial port helper.
Class instance accessor: SerialPort
 CSettingsHelperSettings helper.
Class instance accessor: Settings
 CValueStatistics.StatValueStat value.
 CStoreHelperStore helper class.
Class instance accessor: Program.Store(<store_name>)
 CTcpClientHelperTCP client helper. Class instance accessor: TcpClient
 CUdpClientHelperUDP client helper.
Class instance accessor: UdpClient
 CValueStatisticsValue statistics.